Sunday, June 30, 2024

Make Good Choices Daily

The smartphone and the apps used on the device are an exercise in liberty and free will.  The operator assisted telephone, the smartphone, the computer, a car, the fax machine, the photocopier, a knife, a gun, our thoughts, our words, our every action, and million other things are tests on our ability and willingness to make good choices.  

Should a responsible parent parent give a pocket knife to a 4-year-old? An 8-year-old?  A 12-year-old?  What should be given to a child and what should a child be expected to pay for on their own? The timing depends on the training in personal accountability that the parents have given the child.

Should we make a new law? Should we invent a new product?  Should we reach out to a company and ask for a change?  Should we teach our children correct principles?  Are the answers, yes, no, maybe, or someone else should do it?

Parents should pray about it and consult with God who is the father of us all how to raise a child.  Parent need to start giving children liberty in doses from the time they can walk and talk.  Parents need to respond with justice and mercy in appropriate doses during this time so that when children become adults they are ready to be free and accountable, not perfect, but free and accountable.  

Societal outcomes are the sum of decisions made by individuals with liberty, and that is the way it should be.  Our decisions may result in pain for ourselves and others.  No need to panic.  Just open yourself to the light inside you, and make good decisions daily.

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